Production Journal for 'Roomies' Production (January-July 2023)


My name is Logan Tyler Smith. Sometime in 2019, when I was getting really into filmmaking (specifically the works of Kevin Smith and Quentin Tarantino, as most film buffs get into), I came up with a title: Roomies. I hadn't really had a full idea at this point, but I knew it would be a good title for a 90s-early 2000 style indie film. 

That is, I didn't have a full idea until August 2022. 

I fleshed out the idea into a well-formed outline and knew that if I wanted to finally make a feature-length film, this outline would be the way to do it. 

At this point in my career, I had only made short films, but I decided it was time to finally make my feature length directorial debut. And after putting together a well-done script, I got to working on preproduction. 

Obviously, as you're going to see in the following production journal, the idea evolved and went through some evolution over the course of filming it. Preproduction was mostly where I chose my actors, Bryan and Kendrick (fellow filmmakers themselves in their own right). Each of them brought something besides their characters to the table. 

Bryan took the role of de facto script supervisor and official costumer. He thought through every possible detail when it came to the clothes the characters where and what the rooms looked like. For that, I have lots of things to thank him for and lots of script ideas he contributed to. 

Kendrick definitely had more of a filmmaking voice as much as a character voice, and he definitely brought with him a degree of atmosphere and convincing vibe to the production. He was also more than willing to be a gaffer and backup cinematographer when I needed him. 

With all that in mind, this production journal contains my thoughts on the production day, often moments after the shoot had ended and the footage had been uploaded to my computer. However, throughout this journal you will see contemporaneous notes made after the fact. These notes will be along the text represented with a star (*). 

If you've made it this far, I suppose you're ready to finally see how the production went. Well, read along then. 

- Logan Tyler Smith on September 4th, 2023

Production Diary (1/6/23-7/13/23)

Friday 1/6/23

Filming has begun! Day one of eighteen has concluded!

I have cast all the a way. 

I had long since cast the actors for 'Randy' and 'Lex' but have (reluctantly) stepped into the role of 'Jack'.

It took a while to get used to, but I think that I have enough 'Jack' in my personality to embody the role. 

I didn't manage to do that today. I will be filming my individual shots tomorrow. As for the rest of the shoot today?

It went great! Bryan Nelson (Randy) and Kendrick Whiteman (Lex, who also helped with behind-the-scenes work) shined on camera in their roles. I hope it works better in the edit, but I guess we'll see. 

As mentioned before, I will shoot my scenes tomorrow and insert shots of the scenes above the next day (ie Saturday my shots, Sunday the inserts). 

I color graded at least two of the clips to the black-and-white/film grain standard mentioned in my movie bible, but I plan to color grade them in their entirety during the edit around February. 

Quinton Oliver Smith, a helper on some previous sets, was not able to help today specifically, but I will see if he can help out on Monday. 

Monday, the 9th of January, seems to be the day when our actors' schedules will align enough for Day 2. Day 1 in the production schedule has (minus my scenes) been completed. 

Tomorrow provides the challenge of filming and lightning myself in a manner that fits in with Scene 53, which is a shot-reverse shot scene between me and Kendrick. Because I filmed all of Kendrick's scenes in 53, this should ideally work smoothly in the edit. 

As of this writing, all recordings and video files are uploaded to my desktop, with two clips already color graded to this film's standards. 

Scenes filmed: 17, 19, and 21, 31-32, and half of 53 (scene 53 will be concluded tomorrow, while scenes 18, 20, and 54 will be concluded on Sunday [it is worth noting those scenes are all insert exterior shots]). 

Saturday 1/7/23


Sunday 1/8/23

I was busy hanging out with friends yesterday, so I did not get around to shooting the other half of 53 as well as all the insert exterior shots required for scenes 18, 20, and 54 today. I managed to get them all done, and they are uploaded to my computer as we speak. 

I was going to film Day 2 of the production schedule tomorrow, but it looks like Bryan will be unavailable until Wednesday at the earliest. What I've decided to do is to get all of Day 3 scenes (which only require me and Kendrick) tomorrow. 

Obviously, I will keep adding to this production journal accordingly. 

Scenes filmed: 18, 20, and 54, as well as the other half of 53. 

Monday 1/9/23


Tuesday 1/10/23

Despite the 'N/A' above, I did film that then, I just didn't do a journal entry. 

I will be filming more tomorrow, and on Monday I filmed most of the 'sidewalk' scenes with Kendrick. I do however need to film Scene 34, which only requires me and not me and Kendrick like scene 36 did.

Me, Kendrick, and Bryan will all be filming more tomorrow, the 'apartment exterior' scenes we need to get done.  

Scenes filmed (yesterday): 36. 


I did manage to film yesterday on the 11th. Kendrick, unfortunately, had some problems I will not be public about (I have no reason to disseminate any information he's not okay with). However, Bryan did show up and we filmed his last batch of outdoor scenes for Scene 33. 

I plan to film some of my exterior shots on Saturday and (if Kendrick is available) to film all his scenes I was supposed to get on Wednesday on Friday, as well as a few more scenes I might need to get done on Friday.

Overall? 2 1/2 days down, 15 1/2 to go!

Scenes filmed (yesterday): part of 33.


Kendrick stopped by today and we filmed his part of 33, as well as Scene 52. I didn't get my scenes from Scene 52, but we'll deal with that tomorrow; the same day I have to film my half of scene 33. 

As for Bryan and Kendrick, I may film the first indoor scene with them on Wednesday depending on how things go. 

Scenes filmed: part of 33, part of 52.


I managed to finish my shots for Scenes 33 and 52. Because it was entirely by myself it took a while. In fact, one of my shots the sound was recording and not the video; so, I had to re-record it. I'm honestly lucky I figured it out and solved the problem super quickly. 

Scenes filmed: the rest of 33 and 52. 


I filmed Kendrick's scenes for Scenes 1-4. I am actually really proud of the footage I got. And because this is an indoor shoot for those scenes, we were using a Canon camera with a wide lens instead of an iPhone. 

Because Bryan was sick today, we didn't end up shooting his scenes, but it looks like he will be better tomorrow to fill his part of Scene 4, which is the only scene that requires him. 

I shot my scenes for Scenes 1-3 also, which is good. But we did not film ALL of my scenes for Scene 4, which I may do the day after tomorrow (Friday). We will see how it all goes. 

Scenes filmed: 1-3, part of 4. 


I filmed all of Bryan's scenes for Scene 4 today. He actually left very briefly before realizing he forgot a line, and we filmed the line he missed. 

Part of that falls on me; I completely didn't catch that he forgot a line and we did multiple takes of that line. What a learning curve...

Anyway, I'll probably film my shots for Scene 4 over the weekend. Bryan will be busy from the 20th-24th (his words) and we'll work with that schedule. Until then on the weekdays Bryan ISN'T available, I'll probably shoot Kendrick's isolated days for the next few weekdays. 

This production has had predictable ups and downs so far; it makes me feel like I'm doing something right!

Scenes filmed: most of the rest of 4.


I got a lot done this past week. On Sunday I did all of my scenes for 4 and then...drumroll please...I completed many more scenes!

After realizing my personal deadline fast approaching (ideally the middle of February) I combined some shooting days together in a way that made sense.

And on Wednesday the 30th, which was our longest day of shooting yet, I completed the vast majority of scenes I needed for that combined shooting day. 

I'll let the results speak for themselves. 

Scenes filmed: 4, 9-12, 13, 22-24


As you can no doubt tell by the dates, it's been a long time since I have logged to this production journal. I am still in the process of filming and have missed some important festival deadlines. 

Nevertheless, I persist. I was sick for a while as well, it's worth noting. One of the actors (Bryan) has personal medical problems I will not disclose. Once he feels better, we will no doubt continue filming. And we have filmed several scenes since the last journal entry. 

But because you all want to know what's been filmed, here's the rundown total. 

Scenes filmed: 17, 19, 21, 31-32, 53, 18, 20, 54, 36, 33, 52, 1-3, 4, 9-12, 13, 22-24, part of 6, part of 30, part of 35 (a little less than half of the film has been filmed. More to come). 


Since the last entry I have filmed parts of other scenes by myself. Here's the updated:

Scenes filmed: the rest of 6 and 30. 


Production is, of course, still ongoing. 

Since last entry though I have filmed many more scenes and parts of them. Juggling actors' schedules is pretty hard, but me and Kendrick were still able to film a lot of scenes. 

Also, since you're dying to know, even though it's supposed to be a seventy or so minute movie, I have over two hours and forty-six minutes of footage!! I am feeling great about that, too. I do have to fill some of my parts for the scenes below, however. 

Scenes filmed: most of 5, 26, and 28-29


I managed to film most of my parts for some of the scenes listed in last entry. I went through each take multiple times, as is custom. There were admittedly a few moments where I messed up my lines and had to do them over again even if I had already done them twice. It's part of the job, and I definitely accept that. 

Oh, and as of today I have just shy of three hours of footage (or 2 hours and 58 minutes). I think that is worth noting. 

Scenes filmed: the rest of 5 and 28-29


I finally finished all of Kendrick's scenes for the movie. I have decided some outdoor scenes that contain mostly plot and not story information can be cut, and I have all of his important scenes to the story. Now all that's left is to film me and Bryan's scenes. We'll see when Bryan gets back to me. 

Scenes filmed: part of Scenes 16, 30, 38-41, and 43-51


As of today, production has wrapped up. I finished my scenes earlier in the day before Bryan came over and I finished all of his scenes. It was very exciting to finally finish this project that had been going on for over six months. Honestly? I'm happy. 

But my work is far from over. Editing will be difficult but worthwhile. And if my film gets released? Someone will know...

Scenes filmed: scenes 8 and the rest of scenes 16, 38-41, and 43-51. Picture wrapped. 


I figured I'd write this conclusion before I formally started editing to give this journal a bit more range and variety. 

The production was a stressful time, full of juggling actor's schedules, creative choices, sound malfunctions, and camera battery workarounds. I have no doubt after I write this and start editing, there will be a whole range of other issues to work with; editing system freezes, less-than-ideal notes from filmmaker friends, and versions of the film that lag. 

But one thing I've learned over the course of the production and one that I will continue to learn as I make more movies and as I edit, is that filmmaking is a learning curve. And that learning curve is probably among the prime reasons I am drawn to the process. 

So, as you have read all this and as this journal has likely been updated many times over the course of August when preproduction began to September when editing and supposed to be done, you may be wondering one of many things. One thing part of me thinks you wonder is this; 'does this guy realize he's been spending over a year making a no-budget indie dramedy that may never get the attention it may deserve?'

The answer is yes. And because of the learning curve implicit in the filmmaking process? I'm completely okay with that. 

- Logan Tyler Smith on July 17th, 2023


  1. Great post, really glad to see the details of the process and grit over months of hard work. Congratulations on wrapping production, and thanks for sharing with us on your journey! Looking forward to seeing future work and hearing more about your experiences and passion for movies. :)


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