The Godfather (1972) Movie Review

 In "The Godfather" a military veteran returns home to his criminal organization-owning family. When an attempt on the patriarch's life is made, the veteran must step up to take his father's place; changing him irrevocably as result. 

The Godfather is consistently rated as one of the best movies of all time - and I think that's for a good reason. The film is a cinematic masterpiece; expertly shot while features narrative drive and impeccable acting. 

The film is directed by Francis Ford Coppola...but the true stars of the movie are (of course) Al Pacino and Marlon Brando. Marlon Brando gives a phenomenal performance as the aging yet intense mafia don, and Pacino is very believable as the military veteran son coming back and wreaking havoc on those who wronged his family. 

The film's runtime and violence are the greatest criticisms I can come up with, and even those aren't detrimental to the film that much. Other than the sensitive or impatient, I can't imagine many people coming away from this movie with a degree of intense hatred. 

Overall, this film seems like yet another movie that wannabe film aficionados might consider homework. However, if you go in with an open mind and low expectations, I promise you will not be disappointed. 

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