Sex Drive (2008) Movie Review

 In Sex Drive, a young virgin steals his brothers car to meet a girl he met online who may give him sex. However, he learns so much about himself along the way it may not inevitably be worth it. 

Some standout performances aside, the film is not especially interesting. Even compared to some other teen comedies around the same time and since the 90s, the teen movie sub genre had apparently reached a breaking point long before Sex Drive. 

While it’s hard to know the exact cutoff, Sex Drive’s lacking originality and sub-par humor (barring some funny moments here and there) do not do it any favors. The film feels like it’s trying way to hard to be funny, and it can be at worst insufferable. 

There are some standout performances that come out of no where though (Seth Green as a sarcastic Amish man comes to mind). Ironically, they seem completely out of place in a movie of this mediocre caliber. 

If you like teen comedies regardless of originality or humor, chances are you may actually enjoy this more than I did. If you want something new to the genre, however, you can probably skip this one.


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