The Hunt (2020) Movie Review

 In The Hunt, political dissidents are hunted by powerful elites. One of the dissidents stands out and tries to unravel this dangerous conspiracy. 

I’ll be honest, this is one of the most politically confused movies I have ever seen. It seems to side with conservative dissidents (who are, in some ways the heroes of the movie) as opposed to the incompetent and over-priveleged (in the movie’s mind, liberal) elites. However, considering the movies framing of violence as necessary in this already frightful divide, and if you do ANY level of research outside of the movie, it will fall flat on anyone with a sense of reason. 

It’s easy to think conservatives and morons will enjoy this movie (I know some regrettable people who might) but for anyone with half a brain? You’re better off watching The Hunger Games than this. I much prefer movies that know they’re dumb and are dumb then movies that think they’re smart and are dumb. 

Ultimately this is a matter of political opinion. If you like this movie and ascribe yourself conservative values, than chances are you will not be missed (for the latter reason and the latter reason alone, sadly).

Watch this movie and form your own opinion on it, but it may not be worth it. Speaking from experience.


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